The Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO):

Within the establishment and implementation scope of all the Chambers such as meeting the common necessities of its members, facilitating the professional activities and providing the development of the professions in accordance with its general benefits, dominating honesty and confidence in the relations between the members and the public, maintaining the discipline, ethics and solidarity, the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry started its activities under the title of the “Bursa Chamber of Commerce” by the initiatives of the terms businessmen in one of the small rooms of the Cocoon Inn on 06th June 1889.

Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the awareness that the participation of its members in the fairs opened in Europe will provide significant benefits to them, encouraged their participation in these fairs in the export of Bursa industrial and agricultural goods.

The Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry established at raising awareness among the traders and industrialists in Bursa to provide their contribution to national economy, encouraging its members in carrying out their activities in optimum conditions and resulting the problems that the members encounter, takes place among the prior and professional institutions of the country.

For detailed information: www.btso.org.tr


BUTGEM, started its training activities in 2009 in Bursa, is one of the important industrial centers of our country. The objective is provide Vocational Training and Vocational Development Programmes in accordance with the philosophy of lifelong education; to train highly qualified technical staff who are sought after in the industry, who have gained the habit of working together, who have social responsibility, who have developed independent thinking skills and who have self-confidence.

For detailed information: www.butgem.org.tr

EVM (The Energy Efficiency Center):

The Energy Efficiency Center Project, which was applied within the scope of Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency 2014 Call for Proposals Cooperation and Development Financial Support Program, started its activities with the contract signed on 29.05.2014. It is an important step for adapting the green growth-based business model of The Energy Efficiency Center Project to companies.

For detailed information: www.btsoevm.com


BTSO MESYEB is an examination and certification center accredited by TURKAK, according to TS-EN ISO IEC 17024 standards and authorized by MYK. First of all, BTSO MESYEB, which was established for the personnel certification needs of BTSO members, aims to serve all of Türkiye by cooperating with other chambers and certification bodies.

For detailed information: www.btsomesyeb.com.tr



BEBKA; Bursa, Eskişehir ve Bilecik illerinde kamu, özel sektör ve sivil toplum kuruluşları arasında koordinasyon ve işbirliğini geliştirerek kalkınmaya yön veren, yerel sorunlara yine yerel odaklı çözümler sunan, kaynakların yerinde ve etkin kullanımıyla sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya hizmet eden bir kurumdur.

For detailed information: www.bebka.org.tr


UTİB: Uludağ Textile Exporters Association was established in Bursa under the umbrella of Uludağ Exporters’ Associations in 1986. As of the beginning of 2022, UTİB has 3,162 active members.

For detailed information: www.utib.org.tr


Ulutek Technopark: 

Ulutek Technology Development Zone was established in 2005 and is located on the Bursa Uludağ University Görükle Campus as Türkiye’s 17th Technology Development Zone. The objective of the zone is to produce technological knowledge by ensuring cooperation between universities, research institutions and production sectors, to enable the country’s industry to become internationally competitive and export-oriented, to develop innovations in products and production methods, to improve product quality or standards, to improve design quality, to increase productivity, to reduce production costs, to commercialize technological knowledge, to support technology-intensive production and entrepreneurship, to ensure the adaptation of small and medium-sized enterprises to new and advanced technologies, to create investment opportunities in technology-intensive areas, taking into account the decisions of the Board of Science and Technology, to create job opportunities for researchers and qualified individuals, to assist in technology transfer, and to provide the necessary technological infrastructure for international firms with R&D capabilities and traditions to conduct R&D in the region.

For detailed information: www.ulutek.com.tr

Bursa Uludağ University TTO:

Bursa Uludağ University Technology Transfer Office was established in December 2012 and was among the second 10 TTO projects supported within the scope of the 1513-Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) Support Program, which was launched in 2012 to create awareness in these areas, to create, develop and protect R&D projects within the framework of university-industry cooperation, to market and commercialize intellectual and industrial property rights, to provide venture capital support, to establish incubation centers, to provide business guidance, counseling and training services and to organize events and publications.

For detailed information: www.bursauludagtto.com

Bursa Technical University TTO:

Bursa Technology Transfer Office, a unit affiliated to the Rectorate of Bursa Technical University, was established with the adoption of “Bursa Technology Transfer Office Directive” in the BTU Senate on 24.11.2017.

For detailed information: www.btto.btu.edu.tr

Composite Industrialists Association: 

Composite Industrialists Association is a non-profit association representing raw material, semi-finished, intermediate and final product manufacturers, suppliers and academic institutions of Turkish composite industry. It was founded on May 18, 2005.

For detailed information: www.kompozit.org.tr

Bursa Uludağ University

Bursa Technical University

KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization)

Bursa Industry and Technology Provincial Directorate

DOSAB (Demirtaş Organized Industrial Zone)